

The pursuit to see your dreams materialise requires relentless determination. There will be days when everything that comes at you, creates doubt and uncertainty about the life span of the passion project you are bringing to life. Sometimes we might encounter the odd “it’s just not the right time” or “so many people are doing the same thing” – when you hear this, be even more RELENTLESS in pursuit of your dream.

I went to Woolworths in Harbour Bay Mall, a stone’s throw from beautiful Glencairn. After picking up a few things, I head to the cashier only for this book to catch my eye! The reason I share this with you is because my first introduction to Woolworths was accompanying my mom to buy my Eid dresses and shoes when I was a little girl. I remember their fitting rooms and sitting on a chair, whilst my mom would tie the buckle of the shoe I would wear for Eid. Sublime childhood memories are etched in my mind and years later (many years later), my very own book graces their stands. “I am” in Woolworths.

A truly powerful moment because I created this book, albeit with a team. It was my idea, my manuscript. The fact that I could translate an idea and move it from thought to something that can be touched, felt and … smelt (yes, I smell the pages of my books) – that’s the validation of relentless pursuit!

Here’s the reality, my book isn’t number 1 on any kind of list. It’s not a blockbuster or the secret to staying young. It’s also not the only Cape Malay cookbook in the world, nor am I the only chef, home cook and foodie who just happens to be Cape Malay. My curries, koesisters and bollas are not the only recipes out there. I guess what I am saying is, that it’s not about anyone or everyone else, it’s just about you!

The pursuit of your dream is yours and you’re accountable for making it a reality. Tell your story. Know what your driving force is and find the right people to help you make it possible and believe in it, the way you do. Be RELENTLESS.

“It might have been done before, but it hasn’t been done by you.”

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