Embrace the Journey of Healing and Self-empowerment.
I reclaimed myself after losing all of myself a mere few months ago. I lost focus, lost perspective and realised that I everything about me and my life was out of sync. Lost my balance completely. There’s also nothing like family and friendship dramas that can shake you to your core.
These episodes are meant to unhinge you. It’s meant to make you question everything about your life. (Meant to make you doubt who you are). This is exactly where I was, everything in question as work, life and love started crumbling into pieces. However, there is a gift in all of it, if you stand still, you’ll see it! You’ll feel it! You’ll know it and when you embrace it, it becomes the driving force that sets you free.
There are people who will pray for you and ones that will prey on you! Know who they are and ensure that your boundaries are well established. To the ones that pray for you, stay close, bask in their good intentions and words of encouragement.
It will become the elixir of your life in the moments when you most need to know that you matter!
To the ones that prey on you, walk away (silently, quietly), walk far away. Learn the lesson and know that you have been used. When you feel that sting of disloyalty, disrespect and disappointment, allow it to wash over you. Let that be the end of it.
Look ahead and see the view. Happy Woman’s Day.