The 30th of August marks National Amagwinya Day & Vetkoek Day.
I’ve used Olive Pride‘s blend of seed and extra virgin oils for deep frying the vetkoek. It’s also the same oil I use for frying samoosas, spring rolls, koeksisters and doughnuts. I use it the same way I would canola or sunflower oil. The Olive Pride oil is lighter and less greasy; you’ll notice this immediately after removing the vetkoek from the hot oil and placing it on the paper towel. You can also shallow fry the vetkoekies and shape them as you would a disc-shaped fritter. Now, once fried, these just need a spread of butter and a drizzle of golden syrup or honey!
Serves 10 medium-size or 20 cocktail-size vetkoek / amagwinya| Prep time 15 minutes (plus 40 minutes rising time) | Cooking time 30 minutes
For the Vetkoek/ Amagwinya
500 g plain/all-purpose / cake flour
1/4 C (60 ml) self-raising flour (to flour working surface and assist with shaping the dough later)
1 tsp (5 ml) salt
1 Tbsp (15 ml) sugar
1/2 Tbsp (7.5 ml) instant dry yeast
50 g butter (at room temperature)
375 ml lukewarm water
Olive Pride oil (a blend of seed oils and extra virgin olive oil) for deep frying
Preparing the Vetkoek/ Amagwinya
1. Sift the flour into a bowl of an electric mixer.
2. Add the butter and gently rub it into the flour to resemble tiny breadcrumbs.
3. Add the sugar, salt and yeast and use the mixer’s hook attachment to incorporate all the dry ingredients together on a slow and low speed.
4. Gradually pour in the lukewarm water and mix to form a soft, sticky dough.
5. Keep the speed slow and low and mix for about 3 minutes. Very much like kneading the dough, the longer the dough is handled or “kneaded” with the hook attachment, the lighter and more elastic it becomes.
6. Cover the dough in a greased/oiled glass bowl with cling wrap. Set it aside to rise for about 30 minutes or until it has doubled in size, preferably in a warm spot.
7. Knock down the dough on a lightly floured surface, using the self-raising flour and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic.
8. Divide the dough into 10 medium or 20 smaller portions and shape it into balls.
9. Ensure the kitchen surface is still lightly floured and set the dough balls aside to rise again for a further 10 minutes.
10. Heat the oil in a medium, heavy-based pot on high heat for about 5 – 7 minutes, then reduce the heat to a medium setting.
11. Drop the dough balls a few at a time into the hot oil. Turn frequently and deep-fry until it’s all puffed up and golden brown.
12. Remove from the oil and drain on a paper towel. Serve warm with a spread of butter and a dollop of jam or with your favourite savoury filling.